Make Miter Cuts Safely and Accurately!
The miter gauges that comes with most table saws have three important limitations.
This simple jig solves the problems and limitations of typical miter gauges.
For this project, you'll need:
You'll need three identical pieces of 3/4" thick wood as indicated in the drawing above.
Apply glue to mating surfaces and glue the three pieces together as shown. Be sure the edges of the three pieces are all flush with each other. Then clamp them together.
The drawing shows several holes. The reason being that it provides a lot of flexibility in placing the fence.
It's not necessary to drill all these hoes at the beginning, you can always drill additional holes later.
However many holes you decide to drill, you need to use a drill bit that corresponds to your T-Track bolts.
Cut a piece of 100 grit or 120 grit sandpaper to fit the front surface of the Miter Fence Block and attach it with contact cement.
The sandpaper really helps in keeping your work piece securely in place.
Insert the bolt through the preferred hole and add the washer and knob.
You can use a saw guide to set precise angles.
Here, we're setting the angle to 22.5 degrees.
Congratulations! Your Table Saw Miter Guide Ready to Use!
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Please note that there is no PDF file for these Miter Fence plans. You can either view these plans in your shop with your phone or mobile device or press the "Print These Plans" button below to print the plans on paper.